Thursday, May 13, 2010


There was a reason why I called this gig truthseeker. And I have to remind myself because bullshit comes so easily to me. I had an amazing visit with an old friend today.
There is a lot to be said for two people who have not seen each other for a long time and they can just cut through the bs and be real. Looking back at the path we followed today was most certainly a highlight. While our past was straight out of a Tarantino film, the soft subtle rain and the comfort of cheap coffee with ceramic dogs keeping a watchful eye over us was most refreshing.

After my friend left my heart smiled. It was real. Our interaction was just that. No expectations, no lies foretold. See, we know each other's most intimate secrets. Well some of them at least. We know who and what we are.

But I am rambling on. The point is that during our conversation we touched on a very sensitive topic. That is the issue of friends and acquaintances.

We meet many people during the course of our lives and we make many friends. We allow people into our spaces. Some bring value and occupy that space for a long period of time, while other come in and for a fleeting moment they take all they can and simply bounce.

Many of us who are highly socialised beings find that we attract people and we have many friends. We spend many a weekend in the presence of this group of people and at times even rotate them to make time to be with them all. There are also cycles to these friendships, depending on mood, economics, illicit substances, sexual preference, fashion etc...We personify the (IT)...everybody wants a piece of us and we play the game. The interaction is based on little more than nothing really. There is no real substance to these "friendships"other than social acceptability.

So you create this false world, with these false friends and discover at the end of it all after you and them have used one another all up, that there is no real friendship. And that these people are in fact nothing more than acquaintances. Hard perhaps but it is true.

I also find that when you move beyond your 30's and you start stripping yourself from the BS your real friends emerge. You attach value to different things other than your LV man purse or Gucci panties. And where you gonna have sushi and what avant garde show you are gonna see.

It is more about the honesty in each other that we seek. That is the comfort I find. I don't know about you...

Peace & Love
GAH - The truthseeker

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